Wednesday 29 August 2007

A Star from the Heavens

Recently, I attended a workshop at Eltham Spiritualist Church and when I went into the church my attention was drawn to the picture above the rostrum. I was surprised as I had drawn a picture the same the Thursday before going. I feel this picture came from my spirit guides. Nevertheless I was very surprised.

Onwards and Upwards into the Light

This weird and wonderful creatures sudden materialised. Just like the prehistoric creatures of the past coming to light again reaching upwards. The colours are more subdued than before, but somehow it is magical. It is almost as if it has been etched in the memory of time.

Monday 27 August 2007


I am now starting to experiment with various images and designs. These are totally different you my usual style of drawing. The colours are more varied and vibrant than I would usually use and I can honestly say these drawings feel as if they are from spirit. I feel spirit will lead the way for me linking me to the two worlds and that in turn will help with my healing. I feel the spirit world is drawing them through me and I am being guided.

Saturday 25 August 2007

Up up and Away

These one of my latest offerings. I really feel akin to picture as I actually feel as if I am taking off at the moment and lifting off into an entirely different direction. I actually feel the balloon is symbolic of the changes in my attitude to life since I have the control over my dyslexia. It's Great.! Nevertheless I still feel it was inspired.

Friday 24 August 2007

As it was - My Art

This is a picture I did sometime back and as you can see my whole style has changed and I really feel sometimes that someone else is guiding my hand. Especially when I see the colours go on to the paper. Everything seems to flow in a free manner. I am going on with this journey and if you watch my blog you will see and hear where it leads.

Thursday 23 August 2007

Dali Influence

Now not only do I go to their workshops, but I have gain enough self-confidence to go to other workshops. I better explain. For many years I found it difficult to read and write. It was not until just over a year ago I discovered I was dyslexic. The remarkable thing I since starting these courses my reading and writing have improved greatly. At the last workshop I went to there was a great interest with not only the tutors, but my peers in relation to the work I was producing. In my next post I will show you what my art work was like before and you will be able to compare it. One lady said it reminded her of Dali and was convinced he was my inspirer. I will leave this for you to work out and maybe you can give me your honest opinions.

New Beginnings

For about a year now I have become very aware that there is more to life than I had ever imagined. I have always had odd things happen that is to say odd smell that I associated with people I knew. Animals have alway been drawn to me and it is not unusual for me to have a fox follow me around the golf course where I work.

My sister is a medium and although at first I was sceptical I decided to go on some of the courses she facilitate with her partner. Strange things began to happen and I realised that I was psychic. Moreover I have become interested in healing and can feel the energies in my hands. It is really interesting. Now suddenly I have developed a different kind of art and it is as if I am being inspired. It is this I want to share with you.